Monday, 16 December 2013


So these are the books that I didn't have enough time or thoughts to do an entire review on but I still wanted to talk about them so here they are!

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

Firstly, I really did like this book, I gave it four stars on goodreads. I read very few contemporaries because I, personally, don't feel as immersed in the story, especially with books that do not have a plot outside the romance. This book was a lovely afternoon read which I sped through in a few hours and felt satisfied upon finishing. I would recommend it if you enjoy contemporaries or young adult fiction. 
A bitter sweet story with lovable characters.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

This is the way to write a fantasy stand alone. The plot was wonderful, flowing nicely throughout. It had a very well developed world despite it only being one book. For once a stand alone didn't offer any other details that we missed out on knowing about because they didn't matter to the plot. Everything included was there for a reason, served a purpose which many stand alones fail to do, in my opinion. The vampire aspect is completely new, even for someone who has read a lot of vampire books. Very often in books where one character can live forever there is a lot of 'what about when I'm old and wrinkly and you're still young and beautiful' stuff which gets a little repetitive. Thankfully there was none of that in this book. I think I gave it five stars on good reads!
I would recommend this to anyone, even if they're sick of vampires!

 World After by Susan Ee (Spoilers)

I so so wanted to write an entire review of this book but I was so busy I didn't get round to unfortunately. I absolutely adored the first book Angelfall which I have done a review on  because the balance between horror and humour was perfect. I hate horror but this book needed the horror because it was representing what awful creatures the angels were, the humour made it more enjoyable for people like me who'd rather not read pages and pages of bloody deaths and scorpion monsters. I felt that there was a little too much gruesomeness in this book which made me give it three stars on goodreads. The grotesqueness made me uncomfortable a lot which was really annoying because I wanted to like it as much as I liked Angelfall so badly that I felt a bit let down. 
Nevertheless, I know many many people who have enjoyed this one as much as the first so don't start thinking 'it's terrible, i might as well not read it' because this is just my opinion.

Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout

This is the book I've read most recently cover to cover in one sitting. It's been a while since I've read a relatively light hearted book that just makes you feel happy while you're reading. Don't get me wrong, I love reading books that start your heart pounding and your thoughts racing. It's nice to just have a relaxing book once in a while.
The Twilight parallels were somewhat irritating sometimes but I like Twilight so ehhh. I wasn't furious. I wasn't excited either. Various people have said that the second book feels more original so I'm looking forward to reading that!

Don't forget to check out my Goodreads for little updates and the like!

Until next time, 

-E x

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