A little bit o' info...
The cover makes it seem much more light than it really is. Angelfall is the first book in a new series called Penryn and the End of days. Angelfall is set in this mid apocalyptic world which has been ravaged by evil angels. Street gangs scavenge during the day, while those who are as desperate as Penryn hide in the night as they move to their next home.
When moving from their apartment, six or seven angels come crashing down. For an uknown reason they chop off his wings. Being the heroine she is, Penryn saves him from the other angels by chucking him his sword. Unfortunately the other angels are not happy with her and so one of them steals Penryn's wheelchair bound sister.
If this sounds like something you'll like, it's available on amazon but I have not yet seen it in UK bookshops. It is available for kindle and best of all, it's cheap!
Review (No Spoilers)
Penryn is a fantastic main character, she is caring, funny, badass and just interesting. She's holding her family together which is so difficult when her mother is insane and her sister is in a wheel chair.
Raffe is such a mysterious character but since Penryn doesn't question him until it's necessary you forget that we know next to nothing about him. This could've gone wrong so easily, Penryn could've spent her every thought wondering about him, thankfully she didn't.
They have amazing chemistry and their relationship makes you laugh. Together they bring the perfect amount of hilarity in a horrific world.
I really loved it!
I ship Raffe and Penryn so hard, their relationship is my favourite thing I just can't skfhdksfhk
"I saved your life. Twice. In some cultures you'd be my slave for life." - Penryn to Raffe.The humour is needed otherwise it would be an entirely upsetting and disturbing book.
Penryn's mother freaks me out, the fact she collected all those articles about mothers killing their children is terrifying. Personally I think the mother broke Paige's spine. Though she's so creepy her scenes always make me laugh.
"Penryn? Who are you talking to?" My mother sounds almost frantic now.
"Just my own personal demons, Mom. Don't worry. He's just a little weakling."..."Oh." She sounds calm suddenly, as if that explained everything.
The resistance camp is an exciting development which I think we're going to see a lot more of. Obidiah is a good guy and Jed from the Host pops into my mind. He definitely wants to help Penryn but I think he's the kind of person who is reluctant to sacrifice someone but he will do. I'm scared for how Penryn and raffe are going to clash with him. (They will.)
Exciting things are unfurling in this series, i can't wait for the next one called World After which comes out on the 19th November 2013!
See you soon!